Sorry about that. I thought I fixed it, but I most likely missed another section. I’ll check on the coding error after the holidays. Thanks for reading the story and hope you’re liking it!
I’m loving it
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Fun so far
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its nice
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i like the story,but what is the point of picking a character, if when you go to the lab to put on your lab coat, your character changes?? only on chapter 3,but no other issues so far. keep up the good work
I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far! Thanks for reading
Sorry about that. I thought I fixed it, but I guess I didn’t. It was the first episode that had the issue. It should be fixed now, and thanks for reading!
1 Like
Hopin for the next chapter to be released fast
this story has me hooked! need moooreee xD
Just started I think I will go towards ben.
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getting interesting.
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like it
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excited to read the next chapter!
I am waiting for next chapter
Can’t wait for more chapters!