Apex Predators (lenanguyen)



I love this story (as you can tell from my username lmao)!! I first read it when it was still a text-based only interactive fiction WIP on dashingdon. I was thinking about it again and imagine my surprise when I went looking for it and realized it wasnā€™t available anymore :ā€™) but at least itā€™s here!

The authorā€™s (Lenaā€™s) other interactive fiction called ā€œShepherds of Havenā€ is really good too! Itā€™s still on dashingdon but Iā€™m pretty sure Lenaā€™s going to publish it via Choice of Games when itā€™s done. In the meantime, she has a Patreon with the alpha build available (and the beta build is available for free)! Itā€™s fantasy and has a huge cast of characters! I recommend it alot!!

Ok thanks will look out for it (unless you can post a link)

Canā€™t wait an update

you might be waiting for a while

I really like this story

Sorry for the late reply (I donā€™t have notifs on for this app ;; ) hereā€™s a link to the intro post/demo! I couldnā€™t copy and paste it so Iā€™m typing it individually lol /dead

Apex Predators used to have a tumblr blog as well but I think Lena deleted it because she was releasing it here instead

Iā€™m really hoping sheā€™ll get back to this after she finishes ShoH but who knows? Iā€™m still grateful for the content we did get though, the storyā€™s progressed further than the first time I read it and Iā€™ve been enjoying all the conflict and found family moments weā€™ve gotten so far! :slight_smile:

Oh wow the comment format really messed up the url I typed up what lol

She probably wonā€™t. She was commissioned to write this probably and they stopped paying so she stopped writing.

Anyway the other one is Patreon only so might as well wait for it to be completed :slight_smile:

She actually started on it before deciding to release it on Tales iirc! But if thatā€™s the case now, I can understand. ShoH is her baby lol, sheā€™s been working on that for years. Itā€™s not Patreon only! The updated demo is, but there should be a free, public version of the demo in its beta stage as well!

Could someone please give my info or links to these sites?
Iā€™m a visual novel and text novel fanatic, so I would love to read more of her work or something similar. Thanks!



Hi! Tales formats the url funny (Iā€™m assuming itā€™s code for the image/preview of the link but it doesnā€™t show up properly in comments so it breaks it down into text) but if you look up shepherds-of-haven on tumblr, youā€™ll find Lenaā€™s blog for her main interactive fiction.

If you want more supernatural IF recs, I recommend Blood Moon by Barbara ā€œTrueloveā€. Itā€™s a completed game about werewolves and can be purchased on the Choice of Games website/app (purchases are not shared across platforms btw). Barb also has other works available on her z

*available on their blog, which can be found by searching up barbwritesstuff on tumblr. They also have a vampire WIP called Thicker Than (which is excellent btw). The vampires work a little differently compared to the ones in Apex Predator.

Additionally, if youā€™re interested in interactive fiction in general, thereā€™s another blog on tumblr called interact-if that basically compiles a list of and categorizes different interactive fiction works (completed and WIPs) by genre.