Background issues

Hello! I am new to this site for starters. SO i am not to sure on where to post this, but I am having and issue on where my background is not showing up. The banner will pop up but not the picture it’s self.
I have tried deleting the block, deleting the assit that goes into the block and i have tried to replace the picture assit. I’m at a lost on what to do. It is oonly doing it on the second one. I did a fades to black transition and a screen wipe. Still nothing. Help?? Please

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Hey, yes I’ve also encountered this recently (since Wednesday :slight_smile: )

Could you perhaps add here which set_xxxxx numbers are the culprits?

Like mine is set_00178

I’ll forward this then to the team :slight_smile:

Sure! They are set_00051 and set_00134

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alright :slight_smile: posted it on the bug channel on our discord :smiley: