Bright Lights, Dark Nights (DollyWatt)

Perpetual klutz Marnie Fitzpatrick discovers the kinky side to the healing hands of celebrity TV vet Dr Pat Redman.

Sexy celebrity Dr Pat Redman is in town to publicise his latest book, The Travelling TV Vet, and Marnie Fitzpatrick can’t believe her luck. She’s spent many an evening on her sofa, gripped by Dr Pat’s on-screen adventures and lusting over his rugged charm. Now, as a new employee of the event management company, Bright Lights, Marnie gets to work at Dr Pat’s glamorous, champagne-filled book launch.

Marnie knows Dr Pat won’t notice her in a million years, but she is eager to try and snag his autograph while maintaining a professional demeanour.

Unfortunately, Marnie’s a perpetual klutz. Before long, her fan-girl excitement leads to disaster, and Dr Pat has noticed Marnie for all the wrong reasons. Marnie’s job is on the line, but Dr Pat comes to her rescue. With his healing hands, he offers a novel, kinky way to cure Marnie of her clumsiness.

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