Creating Personal Asset Libary - Uploading Content

Hello everybody, I am a digital artist, writer and web developer. I was trying to develop a tool similar to this on my free time. Last year I joined the wait list and I think this is great. There’s a few limitations that are bothering me. As an artist I do not want to depend on ready made libraries, I want to create my own content. Will there be an option to upload your own character parts, backgrounds, sounds and visual effects?



Yes, for a short while we already had this, but at the moment it’s not possible.

But it’s supposed to come back in the future once the TC is working without too many bugs (or at least only smaller issues) and other features working :slight_smile:

I too rely on it for my puzzle adventure :smiley: soooo yeah I and a few others are waiting for that feature to come back :partying_face: