GOLDILOCKS (Sierra_Winters)

Naomi, 17-year-old blonde, thrust into the system by her uncle’s arrest, lives with the ideal foster family. Her new parents are kind to her, give her freedom, and willing to pay for magic school. The only catch is their two-faced son, who can’t take the hint his attention and lingering eyes are unwanted. But she keeps silent, careful to not cause any problems, so she’s allowed to see Uncle Gavin in jail. He’s a thief, but he’s also the man who tied her shoes, provided for them, and taught her all he knew of sleight of hand. Since his parole announcement, Naomi’s been ecstatic. But that joy turns to anxiety when her uncle tell her to stay away from him. His early release was for good behavior, but his worry-some eyes tells her not everything is as it seems. Then, a scarring event forces her to leave home. On the run and desperate to save her uncle, her life turns toward the path she vowed never to go down. Have her choices sealed her fate or can she make it out and achieve her dreams?

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I love it!! Cant wait to see what the uncle is up to…

This is really good! Makes me want to read more and find out what happens next.

I want to see about the uncle and understand more about whats going on. Interesting book so far i must say.

I am eagerly waiting for the next chapters n hope it wilk cm soon!

