Nephilim (Book One in Angels, Gods and Demons) (JulieSummer)


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- Chapter 1: Episode 1. Memories.
- Chapter 2: Episode 2. School.
- Chapter 3: Episode 3. What an odd name.
- Chapter 4: Episode 4. Prepping for dinner.
- Chapter 5: Episode 5. Luc.
- Chapter 6: Episode 6. Savior.
- Chapter 7: Episode 7. A different kind of party
- Chapter 8: Episode 8. Hot encounter
- Chapter 9: Episode 9. Brothers.
- Chapter 10: Episode 10. Go for it.
- Chapter 11: Episode 11. Dinner.
- Chapter 12: Episode 12. Excuses.
- Chapter 13: Episode 13. Make-out session.
- Chapter 14: Episode 14. Not that type of girl.
- Chapter 15: Episode 15. His shirt.
- Chapter 16: Episode 16. Awkward moments
- Chapter 17: Episode 17. A life for a life.
- Chapter 18: Episode 18. We are The Archangels.
- Chapter 19: Episode 19. We are The Archangels pt. two.
- Chapter 20: Episode 20. Tattoo.
- Chapter 21: Episode 21. Back to school.
- Chapter 22: Episode 22. Demon hunt.
- Chapter 23: Only her.
- Chapter 24: Episode 24. It’s hard to say sorry
- Chapter 25: Episode 25. The Party
- Chapter 26: Episode 26. Dance with you
- Chapter 27: Episode 27. Evil twin
- Chapter 28: Episode 28. Your kiss
- Chapter 29: Episode 29. Sad and alone
- Chapter 30: Episode 30. The first battle
- Chapter 31: Episode 31. The first battle pt.2
- Chapter 32: Episode 32. Bicker
- Chapter 33: Episode 33. Outburst
- Chapter 34: Episode 34. The healing process
- Chapter 35: Episode 35. Flight
- Chapter 36: Episode 36. Safe house
- Chapter 37: Episode 37. The abomination child
- Chapter 38: Episode 38. Avoiding each other
- Chapter 39: Episode 39. Half-breed
- Chapter 40: Episode 40. Truth…or not?
- Chapter 41: Episode 41. Night out
- Chapter 42: Episode 42. Gabriel
- Chapter 43: Episode 43. Pitch black
- Chapter 44: Episode 44. Love
- Chapter 45: Episode 45. Demon side
- Chapter 46: Episode 46. The mark
- Chapter 47: Chapter 47. Too late to apologize
- Chapter 48: Chapter 48. Awakening
- Chapter 49: Chapter 49. Feels
- Chapter 50: Chapter 50. Distance means pain
- Chapter 51: Chapter 51. Take the pain away
- Chapter 52: Chapter 52. Second first kiss
- Chapter 53: Chapter 53. The man behind the threat

This is a good read so far, i like it

Wish chapters were longer