Psychic Detective III: Deadly Shot (FletchinaArcher)

With the evidence that psychic detective Angela Simmons has given her, Joyce Carter confronts her inventor husband Don, with having sex with a number of other women. When he flatly denies it in spite of the photographs Joyce shows him, she flies into a rage and stabs him with a steak knife. There is no question that Don is dead, but is Joyce responsible?

In this fast-paced, sexy mystery, Angela uses all of her talents as a psychic as well as her connections from the coroner’s office to the FBI to uncover an intricate scheme of industrial espionage and murder in the billion dollar microchip industry.

How will Angela’s lover Ronda Moore respond when she finds out that her other lover Joan is in one of the incriminating photographs with Don Carter? How will Angela react to Ronda’s hopes and fantasies that Angela will punish her for her unfaithfulness with Joan? How can these three lovers deal with betrayal and enjoy sex together? And what happens when Ronda’s rich and handsome husband joins them for over-the-top sex?

Each woman has her own part to play in solving the mystery, gratifying the lust and fulfilling the loves of the others in this novel of non-stop sex, love, infidelity and action that centres on Angela and her psychic abilities.

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