Ready to copy - Code Snippets

These code snippets show a basic structure of the features and can be viewed as templates. Please rename every label, jump, and texts to fit your story.

I won’t explain each meaning. It’s meant for users already familiar with the signs - see the other guides for explanations.

Basic emotion choice with content below:

click to open
Choice Prompt
* (Emotion) choice a 
choice a content
* (Emotion) choice b 
choice b content

Basic action choice (choice won’t appear as text):

click to open
Choice Prompt
* <#act> choice a
choice a content
* <#act> choice b
choice b content

Basic emotion choice with jumps to labels

click to open
Choice Prompt
* (Emotion) choice a -> jump_one
* (Emotion) choice b -> jump_two


Content for choice a comes here

-> jump_to_knit


Content for choice b comes here

-> jump_to_knit


Story continues here

Basic action choice (choice won’t appear as text):

click to open
Choice Prompt
* <#act> choice a -> jump_one
* <#act> choice b -> jump_two


Content for choice a comes here

-> jump_to_knit


Content for choice b comes here

-> jump_to_knit


Story continues here

Premium choice

click to open

* [premium: unique_name][cost: $gem 5]

hidden if/else

click to open
* [if: VAR] 
content for this VARIABLE
* [else]
content for other VARIABLE


click to open
* [if: VAR] -> jump_one
* [else] -> jump_two


Content for VARIABLE comes here

-> jump_to_knit


Content for other VARIABLE comes here

-> jump_to_knit


Story continues here

Character Customization with two options (just repeat the pattern for more options)
(I also make an if/else at the story start, just to be sure it uses the correct looks, and if you have parents for MC or siblings, change their look together with the MC - as shown in the example)

click to open
-> see_ALL


How do you wish your character to look like?
* <#act> description for look a -> see_looka
* <#act> description for look b -> see_lookb


[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.looka]

(player: ACTOR)

(enter: ACTOR)

Would you like me to look like this?
* [give: LOOKA] <#act> Yes, that's right! -> story_start
* <#act> No, let me choose again! -> see_ALL


[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.lookb]

(player: ACTOR)

(enter: ACTOR)

Would you like me to look like this?
* [give: LOOKB] <#act> Yes, that's right! -> story_start
* <#act> No, let me choose again! -> see_ALL


* [if: LOOKA]
[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.looka]
[set: MOTHER.look.current MOTHER.look.moma]
* [else]
[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.lookb]
[set: MOTHER.look.current MOTHER.look.momb]

Gender choice

click to open
The Character is...
* <#act> A woman.
[set: ACTOR.gender "female"]

[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.female]

* <#act> A man.
[set: ACTOR.gender "male"]

[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.male]

[give: ACTORMAN]
* <#act> Non-Binary.
[set: ACTOR.gender "nonbinary"]

[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.nb]

[give: ACTORNB]

Capital gender-specific pronouns:

(usually only needed for He/She/Ze, Him/Her/Zir, His/Her/Zir)
(I personally give VARIABLES to the gender choice, so it’s easier to write these if/else)

click to open
* [if: ACTORMAN]
[set: ACTOR.che "He"]
[set: ACTOR.chim "Him"]
[set: ACTOR.chis "His"]
* [if: ACTORFEM]
[set: ACTOR.che "She"]
[set: ACTOR.chim "Her"]
[set: ACTPR.chis "Her"]
* [else]
[set: ACTOR.che "Ze"]
[set: ACTOR.chim "Zir"]
[set: ACTPR.chis "Zir"]

Change of looks

click to open
* [if: ACTORMAN]
[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.maleb]
[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.femaleb]
* [else]
[set: ACTOR.look.current ACTOR.look.nbb]

Looping Choice

click to open
-> loop_start


What would you like to ask?
* Q1 -> q_one
* Q2 -> q_two
* Q3 -> q_three
* I have no questions. -> end_loop

content for q_one

-> loop_start

content for q_two

-> loop_start

content for q_three

-> loop_start

Story continues

Looping Choice with questions being removed and story automatically continues after the last question was clicked

This can, of course, be adjusted to also make it that only two questions can be asked.

click to open
-> loop_start


* [if: ASK = 3] -> end_loop
* [else] -> questions


What would you like to ask?
* [limit: 1][give: ASK] Q1 -> q_one
* [limit: 1][give: ASK] Q2 -> q_two
* [limit: 1][give: ASK] Q3 -> q_three
* I have no questions. -> end_loop

content for q_one

-> loop_start

content for q_two

-> loop_start

content for q_three

-> loop_start

Story continues

Let me know what you want to have added! :slight_smile:
btw - feel free to copy out what you need into a doc-file and already adjust the snippets to your story - that’s how I do it :wink: )