Cat's Claw (chrislarge)

You’re a superhero with a bomb in your head…and it’s slowly ticking down. Can you remember who’s trying to kill you before it’s too late?!

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Please please please continue this story!!! We need answers!

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Final episodes of Cat’s Claw Season 1 are on the way! I’ve briefly been diverted to another title but Cat’s Claw will conclude soon.


I am SO EXCITED for the final episodesssss!!! This story always brightens my day tbh

Oh man I love this story a lot. The first ep is somehow so hilarious :joy: WHO DID YOU PUKE ON?? Because that’s the really important question, I think.

I remember reading this in a life read when the first few episodes were out. We loved it! It’s been a while and i forgot a lot, so today im gonna start over! So many episodes out now. Exciting!

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Okay, so i read 3 chapters and my bomb timer is at 0 >.< I don’t want to continue and randomly explode because something went wrong with the code lol… i never got the hours the doctor put onto the timer. Can this get fixed so i can start over?

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Hi, I updated the episodes yesterday. Going over the code, I can’t see any issues. The Bomb Clock is set at 200 in episode 2, and goes down in increments from there. I did see someone complained on discord that -loadout was no longer working for them. Could this be the same issue?

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I removed the -loadout. It may work now. If so, I fear for the other loadout variables.

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Read chapter one the other day and love the plot so far. I ended up puking on Fortune (he seemed to be the more dangerous of the two). I loved the sassy remarks and quips. I like the structure of learning about ourselves as the story progresses.

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TY Chris! We’ll check it out on our side as well.

LOL I love your thinking around who to puke on :joy: Yeah the progressive character exposition is really fun.

What superpower would you want to have if you could? :thinking: I actually love Kate’s powers because I feel like a lot of it just comes from her strong personality. …buttttt I think I’d want to be able to maybe instantly transfer my experience of a situation into another person’s consciousness, sort of like the Point Of View gun from Hitchhiker’s Guide!

Hey Chris, thanks for the reply! Because I’m invested in Salt Dog and don’t want that kiss go to waste lol… The person with the loadout bug was me! I figured out that it stopped working because the app suddenly started skipping some of the code lines on top before an actual scene (because the same thing happened with a look change that was placed there. It used to work fine, that’s why I think it’s a bug. After I moved the loadout lines (and look change) directly into the scenes, they started registering again. Idk if it’s just happening on my device or if it’s a wider problem.

This is when the doc tells me he added those hours in ep 2, but it still shows the 5 from my 5 min left from ep 1.

And this is from ep 3 talking to the reporter. With 1 hour left… :laughing:

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Thanks. I see what you’re saying. I believe it was working until I recently updated all eps. My current fix is to switch the bomb clock reset to the end of episode 1. Should work. Fingers crossed.

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I’m glad you like the personality of the story. That’s something I really strive for and hope it keeps folks interestested and reading on.


I still have ZERO hours on my timer. Like the storyline.

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Sorry about that. There seems to be a glitch but hopefully it’s sorted out soon.

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After restarting the whole story, i now got my 200 hours at the end of ep 1, yay! One thing though that might be still messed up: I got all 15/15 relationship points with Salty Dog in ep 2, but when kissing him, i wasn’t able to choose that i WANTED to kiss him, i had to pick “doctor’s orders”. I have the feeling that there might have been a relationship loadout that the app didnt pick up on, because i started out with 0 Salty Dog points and a mad :angry: face with our relationship. Here’s my proof that I got all possible SD points :laughing:

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