Eclipsis (victoriamasina)

cant wait for more

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we miss your writing <33

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Here from the stories on Episode, and following since you won that competition that Eclipsis was featured on <3

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loving it so far

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when will new chapters come up?

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any update on when the new chapters will come?

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It’s so nostalgic re-visiting this story… It’s a shame we only get 1 free key per day :frowning:

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great so far

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very entertaining

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Love it!

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Wish we got more free keys per day too! Im addicted to this story

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Love it

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Not sure if anyone had heard, but this story is currently on hold. Victoria said the app is having funding issues or something like that. Please confim with her or someone who might know better. Just trying to be helpful!


Hi y’all, my dear readers. :slight_smile: As mentioned in the comment above, I unfortunately can’t continue on Tales for the time being since there’s a problem with creating new looks and characters, and perhaps some other technical issues, as long as the future of the fantastic app hangs in limbo. :’( Hopefully, things will work out and I can finish Eclipsis here. Meanwhile, I started writing a new story on the Whispers Interactive app. It’s an erotic romance (I announced it on my Instagram account) called Billionaire Baby Bump. If or hopefully when I continue Eclipsis, I’ll post a message here! :sparkling_heart:


Wonderful story)

Sooo good!