Eclipsis (victoriamasina)

this book is so good

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William is so my type.

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This book is great!

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Still great!

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not clicking at the moment. going to have to come can later

i’ve already read this on episode, but this version seems so much more interesting! i’m going to save up my keys just to binge everything


This book really is so amazing! I literally love everything about it.

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this story is even better than i remembered!!

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When will we be getting more chapters? :smiley: Such a cliffhanger to leave off on been waiting awhile i hope the writer plans to continue! Such a great story! Keep going!! I have to save my husband!!

EDIT: Saw in the community posts going back that the writer got sick then needed to take a personal break. I hope all is well with you and self-care is important! Whatever is going on I hope you’re safe, healthy and happy and I will be be thrilled to continue reading your awesome story when you are once again ready to write it! Take care of yourself! :heart:


Ahh this is so good!! THANK YOUU :smiley:

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Yo, commenting again to get keys so i can finish reading this series lol

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Guess what IM BACK commenting to get the keys to finish this series im invested

Hey look im commenting for keys again hehe

Hey everyone, BACK AGAIN MUAHAHAHA gotta get those free point when u can right lol

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gotta say, this is compelling! I’m compelled!

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Hope you’re doing okay! :heart:

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love this book so far! also need keys!

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I really hope you finish the series on this platform. I have been reading since its INK days on episodes. I love this story and your writing.