Elite Five (ekpeters)

What do you do when others who have magic find out who you really are? Especially when knowing about your very existence will either be their salvation or destroy them.

Im so sorry but this Jacob looks like a thumb, what a downgrade ;(.

Sorry, not sure what you mean by a thumb. If you mean he doesn’t look great (not sure if you read original version on epi) then I can see why you would say that. We only had certain options to work with when choosing our actors. Plus, I haven’t touched this story in a while. Now that we have ways to customize our own characters, I guess I should go change his look. Thanks again for reading!

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Really good, love the suspense. Cute story. Keep it up~


Thank you! Glad you’re enjoying it so far!

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Excited to see where this goes! @-@

I’ve just updated ep 20! Not sure if you automatically get the update on your app. When I read a story, finish it, it disappears off my reading list. But if a writer updates their story with the newest episode, the story appears again on the reading list.

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Thanks for letting me know!

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I just started ep 3 and i lost all my bravery points.

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Hello and thanks for checking the story out! In regards to your comment, acually that’s normal. I made it so every episode resets your bravery points to zero from episode 3 onwards, especially for readers who ended up with wary more than bravery in the first 2 episodes. That way, if you choose wrong, you can always replay to try that episode again. The really important magic points start coming later. Those will accumulate and not reset.

test LOL!

I aced my first battle woohoo - damn right, i came here to brag in public :rofl:

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Glad you liked it

ekpeter i finally got around to read the series. Still early in the series but im really digging the premise!

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back to school

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Let’s see if you can win the first battle without cheating :rofl:


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Thanks for reading!

This is an interesting and engaging story. I am looking forward to reading more.

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