Elite Five (ekpeters)

i will definitely check them out (note:that is the cutest smile i seen in a while)

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I got stuck at chapter 2 where Ava ask Leah to ask question in the hallway. The footsteps keep repeating and the story didnā€™t proceed

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Do you know which question you asked? Iā€™ll check on my end to see what may have happened.

Thanks, I did not get to ask any questions yet, it was just endless footsteps in the hallway. The story never proceed

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That is odd. I just tried it on the app on my end and got the same issue. Itā€™s supposed to stop. Iā€™ll report it to the staff since thatā€™s not supposed to happen. Found a few other sounds that didnā€™t turn off either.

Thanks again for letting me know. Hopefully it will get fixed soon!

Update: I figured out what happened. It has to do with certain sounds abd coding not working together like they did before. I just tested that episode on my app and it now plays.

Itā€™s fixed now, thanks!

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Where is the next episode? I miss my Elitesā€¦

For those whoā€™ve been patiently waiting, and sorry for the long wait, but ep 24 is finally up!

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Canā€™t wait for a VERY steamy finale! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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That might have to be a gem choice if I go steamy :joy:

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Also, Iā€™ve updated to episode 28! I wonder how many can pass the final battle in one try!

Of course!! No need to apologize for it. Iā€™m ready, letā€™s gooooooo! :laughing: :raised_hands:t3:

i want Liam to talk to her but it cost Gen

There will be some questions that can be free if you have enough brave points. If you donā€™t have enough, then they will be sometimes locked with gems, but you donā€™t really need to read it to continue story.

Thanks for reading!

So far so good,

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Glad youā€™re enjoying this one too!

I canā€™t read past chapter 10. It freezes at the end then i have to redo the whole chapter

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Do you know where you got stuck? I just replayed on the app on my end and I had no issues. Maybe itā€™s a certain route you chose.

Really like how its going so far! Pretty cool

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Im glad youā€™re enjoying it so far, and thanks for checking it out!