Question of the Week

I think it’s more about writing for fun since most of them have to do it for work. But I’m the only one who’s written fictiom, from what I know of :joy:

You should see how their eyes bug outvwhen i tell them how many reads i have :rofl:

I tested myself with writing horror. I think I did it well, although I still had to add humor to it cause i couldn’t help it :wink:


Pretty much worked well for me when I read it :joy:


I’d love to try writing a period romance. I’ve always loved Jane Austen’s novels, and I’m fascinated by the rules and rituals of courtship in other time periods. I may try it someday, but I’d want to be super familiar with the time period and the customs in order to be historically accurate, and I can see myself getting so bogged down in the details that I never get to the writing!


Ohh right, I love those too… :smiley: however, I also shy away from the thought of doing heavy research I’d have to do for language, clothes, locations etc :see_no_evil: Especially language, as English is not my native tongue…

sooo… saaaaaaame :smiley:


SAME! Which is funny because I specialized in 19th century British literature when I got my degree, so you’d think I’d be more confident - but it’s so much more than just facts! it’s the whole vibe, the casual language, the little details… it’s so intimidating LOL. We need @JessicaSwift to put on a seminar :joy:


Question of the Day: 3/22

What is that one word that you feel like you use way too much? What do you do to combat the urge to over use it?

“just” and “still” :smiley:

I control F those little fucks and delete them… unless it’s in dialog :person_shrugging: people talk like that, so it’s fine :smiley:

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Mine is really :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmm probably “exasperatedly”

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YES omg I use “just” way too much :joy: I was hoping someone else would say it so I didn’t have to

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Hahaha, I actually really like this. So much exasperation happening in your stories!

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Question of the Day: 3/23

If you knew no one would ever read anything you wrote ever again, do you think you would keep writing? Would your writing change in some way, knowing that you no longer needed to consider what others might think?


Honestly, no…

I’d then just keep them in my head and dreams and enjoy them myself.

I don’t have to write them down, I write them down because I want to share my worlds with others… and well as of last year, also earn my livelihood with writing… so I need people that want to read what I write :rofl:


I would. I can’t imagine never writing anything ever again. Even if no one ever reads it. I’ve been writing for most of my life. It’s always been my escape, my outlet. It wasn’t until recently I started publishing my work and letting others read it so I wouldn’t mind going to back to having writing only for myself. It actually might be liberating not to worry about what others think about my writing.


I’m a believer in “Write what you know”


I’m posting a story in a platform where there’s a high chance mine would get no to little exposure unless luck finds me. I would still keep doing it despite I’ve tried my best to share it, and about doing it differently? I keep it real as possible, with or without people’s approval. Not a smart move if we want to get a good reception, but my main priority is to write for myself first. I don’t want to lose that.

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I would keep writing. Most of the stuff I write, no one will ever see anyways. My writing style would. Change though, I wouldnt worry about spelling errors or my grammar. Def wouldnt be super organized. I would just write to write.

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I would love to write a mystery story, but my mind just doesnt work that way. I love not knowing whats going to happen and trying to figure out what is or is not a clue.

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Question of the Day: 3/24

In your opinion, what’s the difference between being a “writer” and being an “author”? How do you go from one to the other? Is there a linear growth relationship, from writer to author or from author to writer, or are the two things not directly linked?

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