Question of the Week

To me, a writer is somebody who writes down anything and eveything. It can be something as simple as a poem or a dream journal to somethibg more complex like a novel or a script for a show/movie. Whereas an author is somebody who, in my opinion, is somebody who has had their work published whether it’s professionally or independently in any form or on any platform😊


Question of the Day: 3/25

Who of your characters would you call in a pinch? Who would you call for moral support? …who would you call for an epic good time? :eyes:

In a pinch

  • if I need someone smart - Emilia from Mysterious Signals
  • someone with abilities, status/strength - Marina from Royal Bloodline

moral support probably also Emilia :smiley: (well if you choose her empathetic route)

For an epic good time :smirk: Weeeeeelll… Probably my cocky bastard Damek from Royal Bloodline :smiley: or Dean from Waking Up (not published on Tales, but someday)

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For me, a writer is someone who writes for fun or whatever creative thing pops into their head. An author is someone who has had their work published. Though this one is tricky because now anyone can publish their own work, so I’ll rephrase. An author is someone who has had their work published by a publishing agency OR has self-published and actually made some decent income from it.

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Lets see…
In a pinch, would be Blake from my first book, “Handcuffed”
For moral support, would be …hmmmm that’s a tough one, I guess that would be Natalie from “The Girl Next Door”
and an Epic good time, jeez can I only choose one? I’d pick Stephan, from “Would You Still Love Me?”

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Hey all! Brooke is out today, so I’ll be doing the Question of the Day - 3/28!

What is the most difficult part of writing?

For me, it’s coming up with the beginning of the story since that’s the one which either draws the reader in or not!


In general to start writing…

I sit hours in front of my laptop “waiting” to start or continue my story or contract story :see_no_evil:


The highs and lows. I write sweet and at times, funny scenes. But there are triggering grim scenes as well. I’m still quite clumsy to mesh them well so my readers wouldn’t get a whiplash.


I struggle with the middle part :joy: plot? what plot?! I just want to write something that hits me right in the feels. Whether or not anything actually happens is secondary, haha. Probably while I’m still stuck in short story land.

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Question of the Day: 3/29

Put your descriptive-writer-hat on and write a paragraph or a couple sentences describing your ideal writing environment. Is it somewhere outdoors? Indoors? What’s the weather like? The lighting? Transport me to your writer paradise.

Indoors, in a room that’s not dark but a little dim, in front of a fire place, with a cup of coffee, with a writing device that is not connected to the internet but has a lovely clacky keyboard. Hmmm maybe throw in a cozy blanket for good measure. And a large pot of coffee waiting for when I finish my first cup.

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Heading over to my favorite place to write, I place my striped blanket on the grass and lean against the trunk of the oak tree. Thin, whispy clouds float in the cerulean blue sky while a light breeze blows through the leaves. Surrounded by the scents, colors, and sounds of Spring, I set my mug of honey-lemon tea next to me, pull out my laptop, and begin to get lost in the worlds I love to create.

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YES YES YES to the clacky keyboard. That’s a must have!

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:pleading_face: This was EXACTLY what I needed to read. Spring time! It feels so peaceful, and I imagine no one else around - just nature.

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Question of the Day: 3/30

Do you do anything special to prepare to write a story in a new genre, or do you just jump in? How do you go from a reader of a particular genre to a writer?

When it’s a genre I’ve never done before, I just jump in and see where the story takes me, hoping it turns out the way I want it too :rofl:

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I wrote adventure/sci-fi/horror only before romance. Jump in. Kinda dumb dumb to do that. But when I’ve read many romance books, I was pretty miffed about… things. The dynamics, tropes or anything else really. So, I created a story purely to satiate my cravings for something different initially. Then, it turns out to be a whole blown series. My stories aren’t really unique, honest to God. They’re just fulfilling certain tastes I personally couldn’t find in other romance books.

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I think I tend to only tackle genres I’m already a fan of…but I don’t tend to dive into a genre thinking “ohh I’d like to write something in this genre, let’s check it out”. So I already enjoy things in a genre, then if I really like that genre I’ll start to tell myself stories in that genre, and then eventually, organically, spill over into writing in that genre.

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Question of the Day: 3/31

Describe the plot of your current or last WIP in the least interesting way possible while still technically being true. (Ex: “Lord of The Rings” - Man finds a ring and his nephew returns it to the manufacturer.)

MS - Genius tries to find someone no one else has found yet and finds herself trapped in multiple IQ tests.

RB - Vegan Vamp aims either for reforms or will fall for the bloody temptations. And also needs to know why she’s a vegan vamp.

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